Data management is critical to the estimation process and WINFAP manages datasets from a number of different sources.

The main datasets are:

  • Site of Interest data - Consisting of catchment descriptors within an .xml file, and potentially observed peak flow data and gauging station details for the site.
  • NRFA Peak Flow Dataset - Consisting of catchment descriptors and gauging station details within an .xml file, and observed peak flow data for the station. The NRFA Peak Flow Dataset is normally updated annually.
  • Supplementary data - There may be supplementary data available from local sources additional to that within the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset for stations that may be useful within a specific project. For example, additional AMAX data for an NRFA Peak Flow gauging station or data from a gauging station that is not in the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset.

WINFAP manages projects and datasets using the following over-arching principles:

  • A 'project' encapsulates all data and decisions required to produce a flood estimate for a Site of Interest using the Pooled & QMED Analysis methodology.
  • A project file can be created which allows you to save and share project results and settings. The project file contains all the information required, including edited or additional sites, to replicate a Pooled & QMED Analysis project for any user.
  • The NRFA Peak Flow Dataset is a master dataset and cannot be directly edited. You are able to manage the use of NRFA Peak Flow datasets for different projects through the Peak Flow Dataset Registry.
  • Within a project you are able to edit and override NRFA Peak Flow data, as well as introduce additional stations and data from a project specific supplementary folder. All edits and supplementary data used in the analysis are saved within the project file.
  • Sites that are available for use in the pooling group for growth curve estimation or for donor adjustment of QMED are held within the Station Manager. The Site of Interest will be in the Station Manager if the station (as identified by the site number) is in the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset or the supplementary folder.
  • The Station Manager is used to create new sites, edit existing sites or export sites. The Single Site Analysis dashboard can also be used to edit and export existing sites.
  • You can export all pertinent information relating to the final estimate of the QMED, growth curve and FFC as an html report. The report is designed to act as an audit control for the flow estimate derived in the Pooled and QMED analysis.

Tip: Multiple instances of WINFAP can be run concurrently allowing easy management of project data where estimates at multiple sites are required.

The figure below presents the interactions and relationships between the project, datasets, methods and results within WINFAP for a Pooled & QMED Analysis. Further information on all these aspects are provided within the guidance.
