The National River Flow Archive (NRFA) Peak Flow Dataset is a quality controlled dataset of gauging stations, consisting of station details, catchment descriptors and observed peak flow data. Station details and catchment descriptors are held in the .xml file, Annual Maxima (AM) data in the .am file and Peaks Over Threshold Data (POT) data in the .pt file.

The data is integral to the statistical method and is updated on an annual basis.

WINFAP requires at least one NRFA Peak Flow Dataset to be identified for use. The NRFA Peak Flow Dataset(s) are managed in WINFAP via Options>Peak Flow Dataset...

When you open WINFAP for the first time you are asked to identify the NRFA Peak Flow dataset that you would like to use:


The link 'download the latest NRFA Peak Flow Dataset' takes you to the NRFA website. Remember to always download and register the latest dataset when it is released. You can register for our WINFAP User Group and/or the NRFA newsletter to be informed when a new NRFA Peak Flow Dataset is released.

Select 'Add' to identify the folder that contains the NRFA Peak Flow Dataset. You should select the folder that contains the manifest.xml file. Note that the organisation of sub-folders is not important as WINFAP uses all files within the folder and sub-folders. WINFAP assesses suitability for pooling and/or QMED based on the suitability flags, not its location within the folders.

The NRFA Peak Flow Dataset(s) are 'master' datasets and should not be edited. WINFAP will compare the dataset with the original NRFA Peak Flow Dataset and will not register the selected dataset if any changes have been made. WINFAP provides the functionality to edit and manage stations in the Station Manager. Please also see Project Files and File Management for more details.

Additional datasets can be identified allowing users to replicate results using other NRFA Peak Flows Datasets (version 10 onwards).

A 'default' dataset can be identified. This dataset is used in the current project and in subsequent projects unless updated.